Thursday, June 14, 2007

When Love & Hate Collide

Dont u love the feeling when u feel that ure at d top of the world? Tat feeling when u feel like u can achieve anything that u want? or the feeling that U have when U have found something ure after.... after a long search or wait? or the feeling that U can be free~~ Free as a bird? Without a worry in the world? Dont u just love it? U wish that U can stay there forever rite? Who wouldn't? I do...

Only that... its always never everlasting... coz...

shit happens... or somethings stopping you.. watever the reasons..

Dont u hate it when somethng was going so well but to have it ripped apart right before ur very own eyes? Dont u hate it when something was already within reach to have it snatched away from right under ur nose? Your dreams... ur goals... Dont u hate it when ure ready to let loose then something makes u build a thick wall all over urself again? Its like somebody just slapped u in the face.. hard.. again n again...Dont u just hate it? I do...

So what do u do? or what can be done?

U get disappointed.. ur heart broken... or worse... u break down & cry... If ure lucky.. ure able to pull urself up again.. & keep on dreaming and wanting... hoping one day... d dream will come true.... and ull able to smile again...


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